New Year’s Resolution? or not!

New Year’s Resolution? or not!

It seems like every January we make a New Year’s resolution, and within 30 days we’ve already given up on it. According to US News, 80% of New Year’s resolutions don’t live to see the light of day by the 2nd week of February. I believe it! That’s why instead of making a resolution, I am making a list of things I want to do to start the year off right! Here’s what I came up with:

Go eat somewhere new. Those who know me know that when it comes to meals, I am a creature of habit. Mazatlan comes to mind, over and over. I still have not eaten at the Brass Kettle, Palm Garden or the Canterbury Deli here in Aberdeen. So this year when I’m thinking about where in the world I want to eat and Mazatlan pops into my head, you guessed it, I will be headed someplace new!

Write or catch up with an old friend. Recently this past year I was able to meet up with a good friend I went to high school with, Mr. Luke Anderson. We were able to take a night and just reminisce about all the fun times and memories we had growing up. What an awesome night! Life gets busy! Its important to remember the small things!

Read a good book. It can be about your career, a favorite hobby or whatever you like. My last read was Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos. What an awesome read! It talks about the unique culture he instilled at Zappos and was very relevant in life and business! A good book can get you motivated but most importantly can get you inspired. Inspiration can take you a long way!

Plan a vacation or staycation. I have not done this for over 2 years and definitely want to do it with my 2 boys! I look forward to every minute with them. Not only does it free up your time to spend time with your kids, it gives you a short escape from the grind of daily stress. Relaxing releases stress, and makes us all healthier human beings! This time away will give you the energy to do better not only as a parent, but in your career as well.

Watch a documentary. One of my favorites is called “Unguarded,” It is about a basketball player named Chris Herren and his ultimate escape of drug addiction. If you are a college basketball fan at all, you will love this!

Listen to a new music genre. I had never really enjoyed country music until about 5 years ago. I shunned country music for the first 37 years of my life! My wife is a big country music fan and I found myself starting to enjoy country music! Now, it is one of my favorites! Although I still feel that a wide variety is the best!

I hope one or more of these ideas inspires you to get the new year started on the right foot. Now I want to wish you and your family an awesome 2020!